新婚妻子借给朋友全文 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2011

导演: Cristobal Krusen


  Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong.
  Sabina K. is inspired by a true story set in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The "Sabina" of the title plans to marry Sasa (with whom she served during the Bosnian War), but there is a problem. Sabina is Muslim and Sasa a Catholic, and their respective families disapprove of the marriage. Their only ally is an older woman, Ankica, whose son - killed in the war - had been their close friend. "Aunt" Ankica thinks of Sabina and Sasa as her own children and invites them to her home on the island of Korcula to get married. Springtime comes and Sabina travels to Korcula where she is reunited with Ankica and where the two women wait for Sasa to join them from Zagreb. The days pass... Sasa never arrives... and with a heavy and troubled heart, Sabina returns to Sarajevo. She discovers that Sasa has taken all his things from her apartment and moved out. There is no note; no explanation. Sabina goes to Sasa's mother for answers, but the deeply embittered woman treats her harshly and calls the police.


  • 乘安 3小时前 :

    不免想到我大学快毕业时的状态,超喜欢Broken English,跟这片形成对照,都是隔靴搔痒的小清新,人到中年的我已经无法relate,留下的只有中年人生一片荒凉的心酸跟无奈。(Dakota整个人软绵绵的,好美腻!)

  • 振泽 0小时前 :


  • 东方夏旋 5小时前 :

    Sometimes it is just easier for people to be sad, depression makes ur brain think things are not true, but sometimes I just wish people would listen to, like people instead of her brain.(//里面塑造的感情观很赞,但有些不能接受对成长、成年人的定义…可能是因为自己还依然过分天真(笑

  • 卫泓辛 1小时前 :

    ‘I'm so thankful, but for the rest of my life, everything is going to be defined by them. But you, you only have you. And how scary but how amazing. You can just figure things out, and you don't have to worry about bringing another person into it.'自编自导自演的25岁,矫情一点有什么关系呢,还有大把时间自己去感受生活啊,how amazing!

  • 戴初蝶 3小时前 :


  • 巫晨璐 6小时前 :

    mess,sweet,太善良。每个人都是病的,看似健康的爸爸和律师是世界认同的成功主流砥柱,但自我洗脑成功和实际压抑最厉害的。选择在每个人自己,自闭,躁郁,都是过程,和成功的变态没有差异。Free Will is not Free。

  • 旗安国 4小时前 :


  • 斋和颂 2小时前 :


  • 学夏兰 9小时前 :

    ‘I'm so thankful, but for the rest of my life, everything is going to be defined by them. But you, you only have you. And how scary but how amazing. You can just figure things out, and you don't have to worry about bringing another person into it.'自编自导自演的25岁,矫情一点有什么关系呢,还有大把时间自己去感受生活啊,how amazing!

  • 文锦 7小时前 :

    Cha Cha real smooth怎么会刚刚好是恰恰丝滑呢,难道恰恰是个音译词?

  • 庹兴发 7小时前 :


  • 戎兴庆 2小时前 :


  • 慕容端敏 7小时前 :

    你们真的错怪男主角了,虽然他看起来长得有点着急(非贬义),但人家是如假包换的97年生人,演个毕业大学生没啥问题吧,而且多可爱啊。整个片子很温柔很舒服,爱而不得的惆怅,对于这个阶段的年轻人,也是成长必经的阵痛了。Love heals, and love hurts too.有时候人们过于看重一段感情里的那个可能性,却往往忽视了这背后的必然性。但不管怎样,those memories exist.另外,我好像还是头一次get到了达妹的美。不过这片子的剪辑有点紧,不知道是不是跟舞蹈这个元素有关系,感觉跟其他同题材的片子还挺不一样的。

  • 受星剑 0小时前 :

    your not drunk, you just young.

  • 乘中 5小时前 :

    very good parenting,男主的夸奖是典型的白人社交话术,没什么重要剧情,但是对话都很有意思

  • 乐凌香 5小时前 :

    有种小成本作者电影的絮叨感。Dakota Johnson现在走美艳撩人少妇路线了吗?

  • 功雪松 5小时前 :

    三星半吧。 美式小清新,美式治愈,满满的正能量。还挺好看的。

  • 卫昱乔 8小时前 :


  • 云高驰 1小时前 :


  • 凤昊东 4小时前 :

    就是那种私心会喜欢的片。你是我的灵魂伴侣,你是我这世界上一千两百个灵魂伴侣之一。Totally understand.


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